Author: Joey & Carla Link

  • Gratitude or Grumbletude?

    Gratitude or Grumbletude? Joey and Carla Link November 20, 2019 At Thanksgiving we are taught to be thankful for all the blessings God has given us. But before our kids can be thankful, they need to appreciate what they have and what they don’t have. I remember taking the teens of our church on a “Planned Famine”…

  • Are You A Welcoming Family?

    Are You A Welcoming Family Joey & Carla Link November 13, 2019 You are having your small group from church over for a family picnic and swim in your pool. Children of all ages are coming. Your kids are 5, 8, and 12 yrs. old. You asked your kids to answer the door when people…


    REMINDERS, REMINDERS Joey and Carla Link November 6, 2019   In the last 24 hours how many times have you heard your spouse remind one of your kids to do something they already know to do? How many times have you done so? It’s common and normal, but it is a bad habit that is…

  • Sweets & Treats

    Sweets & Treats Joey and Carla Link October 30, 2019 This is the time of year where kids’ get more sweets and treats than they normally do. The question is, what do they do with this freedom? If they are younger, do they know how to manage their behavior when they get some extra sweets like candy…

  •  The Halloween Question, Do We Participate or Not?  

     The Halloween Question  Do We Participate or Not?                 Joey and Carla Link        October 23, 2019   When I (Joey) was growing up, my parents felt that participating in Halloween activities was a celebration of the devil, therefore we were not allowed to participate in the many Oct. 31 activities. But as a…

  • Are your Kids Rule Keepers?

    Are your Kids Rule Keepers? Joey and Carla Link October 16, 2019   While adults know the rules, they don’t always think they need to live by them unless they get caught. Which of us does not slow down, no matter how fast or slow we are going when we see a police car on…

  • The Morality Police

    The Morality Police Joey and Carla Link October 9, 2019 I remember the time my older sister got a lecture from our mom about the length of her dresses. She was told that they couldn’t go above the knee when she stood up. Carla tells the story that when she was in high school her mom…

  • Integrity

    Integrity Joey and Carla Link September 25, 2019   Every child loves a good Bible story. They hear the story and often see it as a great adventure. What little ones don’t see and can’t see is the integrity of the men who are God’s heroes in these stories. As your kids get older, do…

  • Transforming Your Child

      Transforming Your Child Joey and Carla Link September 18, 2019 I (Joey) was sitting with my grandson watching him transform his “Bee” from the movie “Bumblebee” into a car (Volkswagen bug). It took me back to when my own son played with transformers. I am still in awe how he could (and now my…

  • May We Never Forget  

    May We Never Forget   Joey and Carla Link September 11th, 2019   Every year when September 11 rolls around, I remember a UPS man coming to our home to deliver some packages and he asked me if I saw what happened in New York City. He asked me to turn on the news so…