Author: Joey & Carla Link
What Is Love?
By Joey and Carla LinkFebruary 9, 2022 If you walked up to people the next time you go grocery shopping and asked them what love is, you are sure to get lots of different answers. The Bible, however, has just a few. The passage in the Bible most of us know that speaks about love…
Commanding Love
By Joey and Carla LinkFebruary 2, 2022 February is the month to celebrate love. What do you think of when you think of the word “love”? I (Carla) like to think it means someone thinking I am important and special no matter what. Did you know that loving others is a command? That’s what the Bible…
Why is Being Consistent with Your Kids So Hard?
By Joey and Carla LinkJanuary 19, 2022 The kids were finally in bed. Michelle looked at her husband and said, “We need to kick the kids in gear. I am tired of chasing them around all day trying to find their schoolwork and get them to do their chores. They were doing good a couple…
Surviving Christmas with Your Kids
By Joey and Carla LinkDecember 15, 2021 We thought this would be a good time to take a look at some of the most-asked questions we get at this time. Think about what you would do in response to the questions before you look for our answers below. Question 1: There’s lots to do and events to…
Elevate the Good
By Joey and Carla LinkDecember 8, 2021 Have you ever heard the expression “they see the cup half full?” This would be referring to those with the optimistic Sanguine temperament. Those that see the cup half empty are primarily those with the negative Melancholy temperament. No one wants to hear they would be described as…
Teaching Your Kids to Work
By Joey and Carla LinkDecember 1, 2021 The colors of the trees in the fall are beautiful here in the Midwest and are a true reflection of the majesty of God’s artistry. But, as with most things they are also a lot of work. We have many trees in our yard and many trees mean…
Grateful Hearts
By Joey and Carla LinkNovember 17, 2021 In today’s culture, thankfulness has gone out the window with other courtesies. “It’s all about me” is the mantra of most you meet. The current fad in our culture is to find yourself and to take care of yourself. While we certainly should take care of ourselves society…
Training Your Child in the Way He Should Go
By Joey and Carla LinkNovember 10, 2021 “Train up a child in the way he should go;even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6 Most Christian parents have heard this verse and often wonder what it means. We believe it means using the Bible in training our kids. If it says to be…
Why Did God Create My Child?
By Joey and Carla LinkNovember 3, 2021 Have you ever thought about how your child was designed? As Christ-followers, we believe God is the creator of life. We know a life comes from one sperm fertilizing one egg. But did you know over 100 million sperm can be released at a time? God is the…
Why Give Kids Chores
By Joey and Carla LinkOctober 20, 2021 Giving kids chores is normal for parents to do, but WHY do we? Is it just to make Mom and Dad’s life easier? It really doesn’t as it takes more time to get kids to do the chores and do them the right way, then check up on them to…