Author: Joey & Carla Link
Can Your Child Talk the Gospel?
By Joey and Carla LinkApril 20, 2022 Have you ever heard the old phrase that “Some Christians are so earthly minded they are no heavenly good?” This means these Christians live their lives as they see fit, not caring how the Bible says we should live. In the same way, it can be said in…
Should Apologies be Forced?
By Joey and Carla LinkApril 13, 2022 Most moms want their kids to apologize when they have done something wrong. Parents want to know if they should force their kids to apologize when they don’t want to. Why is apologizing so hard? I (Joey) ask myself that question when I struggle to apologize. To get…
Taming the Lecture Bug in You
By Joey and Carla LinkApril 6, 2022 When parents lecture, they think they are helping their children by reminding them of the training and teaching they have given them. Lectures all too often turn into yelling matches because your voice gets angrier as you realize they aren’t listening to you. Do your lectures encourage your…
By Joey and Carla LinkMarch 30, 2022 I remember a time when I reminded one of my girls once again to get her chores done and her response was, “I know, I know.” I thought if she already knew, why wasn’t it done? In the last 24 hours how many times have you heard your…
When Your Kids “Talk Trash”
By Joey and Carla LinkMarch 23, 2022 Trash talk. It’s another way of saying “swearing”, or “talking like a sailor”, or “foul language” and the list goes on and on. When we were growing up, even though we lived hundreds of miles apart, we both got in trouble for saying “golly” and “gosh darn” because…
I Don’t Want To!
By Joey and Carla LinkMarch 16, 2022 As a parent, you have likely heard your kids say, “It’s not fair” or “You can’t make me.” In our book, “Why Can’t I Get My Kids to Behave”, I (Joey) tell a story about the time when I was 12 and playing in Little League baseball. I…
Practicing What You Preach
By Joey and Carla LinkMarch 9, 2022 Have you ever heard the phrase “caught between a rock and a hard place”? Parents often find themselves there, when everywhere they turn they run into a stone wall. We all speed when driving our cars. I think the first words out of our mouths when we gave…
The Passive, or Quietly Rebellious Child
By Joey and Carla LinkMarch 2, 2022 We were visiting friends who had 3 children. The kids were told to get their pj’s on and get in bed with lights out and Mom and Dad would come in to tuck them in. When Mom came back from doing this, Dad asked her why the light…
The Parenting Toolbox What’s in Yours?
By Joey and Carla LinkFebruary 23, 2022 In our January 19th email we talked about what it looks like to consistently train your kids. How have you been doing since then with being consistent? When there isn’t a plan in place to help us be consistent in the training (both pro-active and re-active) of our…
Are You Ready for Your Kids to Start Dating?
By Joey and Carla LinkFebruary 16, 2022 When our son was in the second grade, he got a phone call from a girl in his class at school inviting him to go roller skating with her. We knew there was a couple’s dance every night at the roller rink where they would hold hands and…