Author: Joey & Carla Link
Review the Expectations Before You Get There
By Joey and Carla Link September 28, 2022 You are at church visiting with friends. Out of the corner of your eye you notice your kids starting to run around inside the building with other kids, not paying attention to where they are going. You tell them to settle down and stop running. When that…
Positive Parenting
By Joey and Carla Link September 21, 2022 So much of our parenting in the early years can be summed up in these words, “No, No, NO!” This is not a positive word by any means, but in the early years a necessary one. Rarely are we in the home of a family with toddlers and preschoolers that,…
Proactively Parenting College Kids
By Joey and Carla Link September 7, 2022 When your kids go off to college, one of the biggest issues they face is how other kids have been raised, and the different opinions and beliefs they have from your kids. In today’s culture, studies show there is almost no difference between the value system of…
“Later” Needs to Come Now!
By Joey and Carla Link August 31, 2022 Have you ever had a feeling that can best be described as “Ugh”? That is mine when I go through certain rooms in our house. I had good intentions to start the new year cleaning though piles of stuff that had collected in every room. This is…
What is Unique About Your Family?
By Joey and Carla LinkAugust 3, 2022 We would tell our kids when they weren’t getting along that your family are the only people that will be with you from the beginning to the end of your life. Carla and I are feeling that. We are of the age where the generation above us –…
Training Your Child’s Temperament
By Joey and Carla LinkJuly 20, 2022 “Train up a child in the way he should go;even when he is old he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6 Parents have hung on to this verse from Proverbs for dear life, hoping and praying their kids will “not depart” from the way they have trained and taught…
Others First!
By Joey and Carla LinkJuly 13, 2022 Have you ever told your kids to treat others as they want to be treated? Perhaps we should ask, “How many times over the years have you told your kids to treat others the way they want to be treated?! Do you know this phrase has a title…