Author: Joey & Carla Link
Is It Time to Fence Your Kids In?
Joey and Carla Link January 25, 2023 When watching home fix-it shows, when someone with a pet is looking for a new home, they always say they need the back yard fenced in. Why? Because they don’t trust their pet to stay in the yard without one. The fence provides boundaries so the dog knows…
Getting Along with Others
Joey and Carla Link January 18, 2023 How many times a day do you say to your kids, “Why can’t you get along?!” when you are on your way to intervene in another sibling conflict. We can relate. We said it plenty to our three when they were growing up in our home. We are…
Teaching Your Children the Joy of Giving
By Joey and Carla Link December 7, 2022 Why do we give gifts at Christmas? Those who believe in and love God do so because it is a way of honoring the gift He gave us in His Son Jesus, through whom we have the promise of eternal life. We do wonder why celebrating Christmas…
Grateful Kids
By Joey and Carla Link November 16, 2022 “What does it take to get grateful kids? It doesn’t matter what they get, they always want more.” Have you ever thought this about your kids? I know there are times I thought this about mine. The opposite of gratefulness is selfishness. From wanting a bigger or better…
3 Steps to Plan Good Stuff in Your Child’s Heart
By Joey and Carla Link November 9, 2022 You have told your 6 yr. old son he has to be kind to his 4 yr. old sister no matter what. God said to be kind to each other and so that is what you all were going to do. (Ephesians 4:32) Yet time and time…
Give Your Kids the “Why”
By Joey and Carla Link November 2, 2022 When kids want to know something, they ask you “why?” This would be especially true of little kids. “Why is the grass green” “Why is the sky blue?” “Why do you stop when the light is red and go when the light is green?” The first 2…
Positive Ways to Teach and Train Your Kids
By Joey and Carla Link October 26, 2022 In a recent Zoom parenting class, we were leading, every parent in the class admitted they yelled at their kids, which is a common parenting problem. It is a problem because harsh responses to your child’s wrong behavior can affect your child for the rest of his/her life. It also affects the level of respect your child will have for…
Discipline is a Positive Word
By Joey and Carla Link October 19, 2022 It is obvious your 7 yr. old child needs something more than you have been giving him to get him to stop hitting his siblings when he doesn’t get his own way. Both you and your spouse have talked to him many times. You have threatened him, bribed him,…
Are Weeds Choking the Good From Your Child’s Heart?
By Joey and Carla Link October 12, 2022 Weeds. There is nothing positive about that word. If you are a gardener, it means it is time to get out there and pull them. But pulling them isn’t enough. If you don’t get them by the roots then they will pop up again and again. The…