Author: Joey & Carla Link
Making Your Expectations Work
Jaclyn Amato March 26, 2025 My husband, John and I are the parents of 3 boys. They are very active, boisterous boys and we got to the point we needed to yell at them just to get their attention. We knew there had to be a better way, and one of our pastor’s wives told…
Calming the Chaos in Your Home
Kristi Rolin March 19, 2025 As a mom of 3 boys and 1 girl, I quickly realized the need for structure and routine in my daily life. I was busy homeschooling, cooking, cleaning, running errands, running the kids to their activities, and keeping them organized and on task. I was always exhausted. After going through the Mom’s…
Are You Teaching Your Kids or Training Them – What’s the Difference?
Joey and Carla Link March 12, 2025 “Teach” and “train” are words that all too often are used as if they have the same meaning. But they don’t. If I asked you what teaching involved, what would you say? If I asked you what would be involved when you train someone or something, what would you say?…
Reaping the Benefits
Ally Keefer February 26, 2025 Growing up in a home that lived by the principles found in the Growing Kids God’s Way parenting class, I did not understand the impact that it would make in my adult life. I always thought that my parents were strict and made me take too much responsibility when I was only…
Joey and Carla Link February 19, 2025 This is the month to celebrate love. For adults, it’s most often expressed romantically. For kids, many parents see it as a time to buy them more things. Think about it, do your children need more stuff? Are they tired of the things they got for Christmas already? Is this…
Clean Hearts Make for Happy Kids
Joey and Carla Link February 12, 2025 When I see a heart, I think of love. If you asked your kids what they think of when they hear the word “love” they would probably say they think of hugs and kisses and cuddling with you. And when you think of love and hearts, you think…
Spending Time on the Couch with Your Spouse is Good for the Whole Family
By Joey & Carla Link February 5, 2025 Mom put 18-month-old Elaina in the playpen and gave her two of her favorite toys. Dad put three-year-old Brandon on a blanket to play and gave him two of his favorite toys. Five-year-old Peyton was instructed to sit in a comfy chair and look at books. Mom set…
Introvert Or Extrovert, Which One Are You? Your Spouse, Your Kids?
Joey and Carla Link January 29, 2025 Extroverts and Introverts, which one are you? Talk about opposites! Since opposites attract, you often have an extroverted spouse and an introverted spouse living together, which often causes tension in the marriage relationship. Joey has to go, go, go to relax. When we plan a trip for ourselves,…
Good Intentions Are Not Going to Train Your Kids
Joey and Carla Link January 22, 2025 We had the joy of 4 of our grandchildren for a week. Needless to say, since they don’t live close to us, we gave them our undivided attention. Things left undone tended to pile up in our room, and the piles are still there. This weekend, I am…
What Authority Is
Joey and Carla Link January 15, 2025 “Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.” According to this verse, God expects children to obey. He doesn’t hope they will or keep His fingers crossed. He expects it, no ifs or buts about it. Not only does He expect children to obey, He goes on…