Teaching Schedule

We are currently planning our schedule for 2024 and 2025. If you or your church would like to host a Parent’s Night Out, parenting conference or Mom’s Group with Joey & Carla Link as guest speakers, please contact us at:


“Why Can’t I Get My Kid’s To Behave” 

This Is a question that frustrates most parents. Joey & Carla Link have insights and answers with lots of practical applications for parents to take home and put into practice that will change their kid’s behavior.

Your church families will be blessed and challenged by the ministry of Joey & Carla Link.   What powerful yet simple, no-nonsense principles to apply in raising our children to be obedient and respectful.   Raising great kids is not a deep, dark mystery.  Joey & Carla share some great insight into training up our kids rather than allowing our kids to train US up.   If young couples in your church are growing weary of counting to 3 with little to no results…It’s time to schedule the Links for a parenting conference.  Believe me pastor, you’ll be glad you did. 

– Doug Roberts  Lead Pastor at Calvary Temple in San Antonio, TX

You guys knocked it out of the ballpark! By the calls we are getting today from people who attended the seminar, you definitely sparked interest and exposed a need. People are ready to step it up in their parenting and train their kids to behave.”

–Ankeny, IA

Meeting Information

Joey and Carla Link are popular speakers on a variety of parenting topics. They can speak at parenting seminars, workshops, conferences, Mom’s Groups and MOPS meetings, just to name a few. The following is information on the types of events they usually are invited to teach for.

To invite Joey & Carla Link to come speak for your event or parenting conference, please email your request to: info@parentingmadepractical.com.

Parent’s Night Out 

“Parent’s Night Out” is a one-night meeting in cities and communities around the country hosted by churches or individuals. Joey and Carla Link are invited as guest speakers to encourage and equip parents in the practical application of Biblical principles as they relate to parenting. They are lively and unique speakers who involve the audience in their teaching sessions.

The Link’s serve with a non-profit ministry and are self-supporting missionaries to families. Generally, there is not an up-front charge for people to attend a one-night meeting. A love offering is usually made available to the attendees to assist with the Link’s travel and ministry expenses. Some churches have elected to forgo a love offering and meet the Link’s needs from their budget.

Parenting Conferences The Links have enjoyed serving as guest speakers at parenting conferences across the country. When invited, they are able to encourage parents at conferences and events for an honorarium and expenses. You will find testimonies under the “Testimonies” page that share how parenting conferences with Joey and Carla as guest speakers have impacted parents’ lives.

Mom’s Groups

Carla Link is a dynamic speaker for Mom’s Groups. Her teaching style is lively, informative, interactive and thought-provoking. She is available to share at any Mom’s Group for an honorarium and expenses.