JOEY AND CARLA LINK are parent educators who have been ministering to families for over three decades. Their teaching is known for ‘making parenting practical’. Joey served for sixteen years on pastoral staffs in the area of youth and family ministries before taking on the position of Director of Family Life Resources, a non-profit parenting ministry, where he has served since 1994.
Carla’s degree is in social work. They also serve as National Ministry Overseers with the international parenting organization, Growing Families Int’l. Joey and Carla write the Mom’s Notes presentations, A Parent’s Night Out DVD series and are the authors of “Why Can’t I Get My Kids to Behave?” and the award winning “Taming the Lecture Bug”. They also host a bi-weekly podcast you can listen to on your favorite podcast app by searching Parenting Made Practical or by clicking here. The Links are the parents of three adult children and have seven grandchildren.