Joey and Carla Link
August 7, 2024

We dreamed of a family and God gave us one,
and then another and now a threesome.
I run this home but you might disagree,
for our oldest is in charge and won’t give me the lead.
The youngest whines for the attention she needs,
and the middle looks good, but instruction doesn’t heed.
As my tummy is rounding with babe #4,
I can’t bear to picture what’s in store.
So tell me this wisdom of which you will speak,
if we are faithful in applying, will I be at the top of our heap?
-Carla Link
These are what we think the non-negotiables in parenting are:
1. Obedience Training – With children under 5 yrs. of age especially, you should always be working on training your children to obey you so they learn what authority looks like. In our culture today authority is not a nice word. But it is a necessary one, especially for Christians because it is how God designed things to work.
“Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1
“Listen my son, to your father’s instructions and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.” Proverbs 1:8
Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.” Romans 13:1-2
It is clear that God wants parents to take charge of training their children.
Obedience is:
· Doing what your kids don’t want to do
· Doing it right the first time they are asked
· Doing it when they are asked
· Doing it without whining or throwing a fit
Obedience comes down to the expectations of the parent. If you expect your kids to obey you they will. Why? Parents who expect their children to obey are willing to put the work in to train them to do so and will give them correction when they don’t obey.
Children obey because they are afraid of the consequences they will get if they don’t. What’s the point of giving consequences if they are not painful? Pain is a part of teaching your children to obey. For the most part, when discipline (consequences) is not turning around a child’s behavior, it is because it is not causing the child enough pain.
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.
Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace
for those who have been trained by it.”
Hebrews 12:11
The idea for the poem and title of this blog came from the Dr. Suess book, “If I Ran the Zoo”.
Mom’s Notes
44 Mom’s Notes presentations! Each one addresses the topic or issue in the title of each session. We kept the titles simple and “Understanding…” seems to be a recurring theme, but we wanted you to know you can take what you hear and immediately start using that information when dealing with your kids.
So, where do you begin?
If you look on our website,, you will see many of the
Mom’s Notes are listed in collections by age groups. However, we encourage you
to begin with the Mom’s Notes “All Children Starter Pack”.
Mom’s Notes “All Children Starter Pack” MP3s and PDFs
$60.00 On Sale $29.00
This Starter Pack is for those of you who are new to the Mom’s Notes as it is hard to know
with 44 presentations which ones to start with.
This Starter Pack Includes These 5 Presentations:
· “Understanding First-Time Obedience”
Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children obey your parents in the Lord”. What does obedience look like? The Biblical standard of obedience ‘first-time is shared’, as well as helpful age-appropriate suggestions for parents on how to get their child to obey.
Common discipline situations are presented and how to deal with them age-appropriate. Methods of correction and appropriate ways to use them are also discussed.
· “Understanding Freedoms, Pt. 1” & “Understanding Freedoms, Pt. 2”
These presentations go into a lot more information about figuring out how to get your kids to accept they don’t get freedoms until they are responsible, starting in the home.
Plus, they talk about the “Repentance, Asking for Forgiveness and Restoration” process.
The training years of parenting, ages 6-10 yrs. can be summarized in
one word – attitude. This presentation gives guidelines to parents on how to deal with their child’s attitude, which is the key to teaching and training a child’s heart.
AND the First-Time Obedience Chart; 0-5 yrs. on one side and 6 yrs. and up on the other.
On Sale $29!
The Mom’s Notes and all the other parenting resources we have written that work off the principles we first heard about in the parenting class Growing Kids God’s Way were written with the blessing of the authors, Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo.
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