Joey & Carla Link
August 19, 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing and kids going back to school in classrooms practicing social distancing and having to wear masks, the big question is, “What exactly is normal?” While schools may have been out for the past several months, did your kids ever stop learning? What have they been learning?
- from siblings
- from watching you handle life’s stress
- from news on TV or what they read or hear on the internet
- from friends
You have probably heard more than once that “more is caught than taught“. With summer coming to an end and school starting in one way or another, it’s a good time to stop and take inventory of what your kids have been learning the past several months. With all that has happened in our world with the pandemic, the protesting, rioting, and killing the last couple months in the United States, some kids could be developing fears or anxiety, especially those with the Melancholy and Sanguine temperaments. But God says,
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplicationwith thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.“Philippians 4:6-7
This verse tells us:
- You don’t need to be fearful or anxious about anything, including COVID and riots.
- Pray about everything (no exceptions).
- Ask humbly (supplication) when you pray.
- Tell God you will be thankful for however He chooses to answer you when you pray.
- You will have peace and calm which you can’t understand.
- Through the Holy Spirit this peace will overcome your heart and your mind, keeping it focused on what God wants it to be.
What a great verse to break down and teach your kids who get stressed and anxious. Please don’t let your other kids mock the ones who struggle with anxiety. It is not fair to them and will only make matters much, much worse. What have your kids been seeing at home during this time the world is in upheaval? Are you and your spouse enjoying each other? Or are you short-tempered and arguing all the time? If your kids do not see you and your spouse communicate positively with each other and give your stresses to God at home, where will they learn what a good marriage and a life lived God’s way should look like?
- Are you still using kind and encouraging words with each other?
- Are you having dates, like having dessert by candlelight after the kids go to bed?
- Do you tell your kids things you pray about? Do you keep a record of family prayer time to record when God answers your prayers?
If you are a single parent, are you keeping your friend relationships up, albeit digitally? With the kids being home for so many months, have you become child-centered? Ultimately, our kids never left school. They are always learning from watching you, what you do, how you react and how you handle life’s ups and downs. And ultimately, your kids’ lives are as normal as they were a year ago. They know that you will take care of them, that you will never stop loving them. They know that you will protect them from harm and they can feel secure in their home and with their family. They know that you will encourage them in right behavior and correct them for wrong. They know you love God and they should learn to also. That’s what we hope and pray is “normal” for your family. “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”Philippians 4:19