Year: 2018
Teaching Your Kids to Take Care of What Belongs to Them
STEWARDSHIP Teaching Your Kids to Take Care of What Belongs to Them Joey and Carla Link April 25, 2018 Stewardship is a big word with an even bigger meaning. “Taking care of what belongs to you” is a simplified definition. As parents, it can seem like we spend 18 years teaching our kids to…
Kids Like to Spend Money
Kids Like to Spend Money Joey and Carla Link April 11, 2018 Your kids each get a wad of cash from their grandparents for Christmas and birthdays. A few weeks later they ask you to buy them something and you tell them to spend their own money. When they tell you they don’t have…
Eyes On Kids
Eyes On Kids Joey & Carla Link March 21, 2018 Carla and I enjoyed watching the Winter Olympics in South Korea. We were in awe at how much control skiers have to have when flying down mountains at 90 mph! That’s crazy fast going down a mountain covered with snow and ice with no protection…
Kids, Get Self-Control!
Kids, Get Self-Control! by Joey & Carla Link March 7, 2018 When you think about it, it is kind of funny. Kids want to be in control and they want you to give it to them. However, they don’t want to use self-control to gain the freedom (control) they desperately want. Self-control is one…
What Does God Have in Store For Your Kids?
What Does God Have in Store For Your Kids? Joey & Carla Link February 21, 2018 As parents do you ever look in on your kids while they are sleeping and simply stop to thank the Lord for them? Do you kneel by their bed, pray for them and ask God to use their lives?…
To Love No Matter What
TO LOVE NO MATTER WHAT Joey & Carla Link February 7, 2018 To love, honor and cherish… On your wedding day as you spoke these words they seemed simple enough. But are they? To love our spouses unconditionally means to love them no matter what. Joey likes to cook. He doesn’t clean as…
Head Knowledge vs. Heart Knowledge
Head Knowledge vs. Heart Knowledge Joey & Carla Link January 27, 2018 You have told your 6 yr. old son he has to be kind to his 4 yr. old sister no matter what. God said to be kind to each other and so that is what you all were going to do. (Ephesians 4:32)…
Are you Hitting the Mark in Your Parenting?
Are you Hitting the Mark in Your Parenting? Joey & Carla Link January 2018 Have you ever tried to play darts? If so, have you ever hit the bullseye dead center? What a feeling of satisfaction that gives when you hit the mark dead on! Are you hitting the mark in your parenting? What…